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4 Days Left to Register Online | HDSLR Workshop and Networking

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    4 Days Left to Register Online! Don't forget to sign up online today for this Saturday's HDSLR Filmmaking Workshop from Production to Post Production with Patrick Reis. New door prizes announced!

    Follow the link at:

    Who Should Attend
    Any filmmaker who wants to improve his/her game, by being up close and learning with an HDSLR master shooter. Cinematographers and camera operators interested in the new wave of HDSLR technology and techniques. Still photographers, journalists, and documentarians who want to learn how to shoot video with DSLR cameras.

    Learn HDSLR Best Techniques and Best Practices
    In just one comprehensive day of training, you'll receive a full range of powerful HDSLR filmmaking concepts and tools that can benefit any HDSLR production - whether you're shooting a documentary or narrative, television spot or music video.

    You will learn HDSLR camerawork, camera movement and POV techniques; monitoring solutions, audio solutions, and post production workflow. Why choose a DSLR over a traditional video camera? What are the best audio solutions for HDSLR?

    Door Prizes
    All attendees are automatically entered in a FREE door prize drawing that will take place at the event:

    * Three raffle winners will each receive a Set of RigWheels.
    * One raffle winner will receive the Carl Zeiss Planar 1.4/50 ZE lens.
    *One raffle winner will receive the BeachTek DXA-SLR Adapter.
    * One raffle winner will receive the new Lensbaby Composer Pro with Double Glass Optic.
    * One raffle winner will receive a SmallHD 50% Off Store Coupon.
    * One raffle winner will receive the following set: Sony Vegas 10, Vegas Pro Production Assistant 2, and Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.
    * One raffle winner will receive the following set: Sound Forge Pro 10 and Sound Forge Audio Studio 10.
    * One raffle winner will receive the following set: ACID Pro 7 and ACID Music Studio 8.

    Register Online >>