Events » Call for Entries » PROJECT GREEN


Event Details


    NOMAD Films and Global Action Plan (GAP) Sweden are proud and very eager to introduce Project Green, a sustainable filmmaking initiative. Project Green promotes sustainable film and video making practices via required implementation of suggested methods of production.

    On April 19, 2011, NOMAD Films and Global Action Plan Sweden open the CALL FOR PROPOSALS, inviting film and video makers to submit ideas for a media project touching on the idea of sustainability in its subject matter, and incorprating a set of suggested methods for sustainable production. All genres are welcome, and films can be narrative or documentary.

    The CALL FOR PROPOSALS will be open through May 31, 2011, and up to TEN (10) projects will be selected for the competiton. Participants will be notified June 15, 2011, and NOMAD Films and Global Action Plan Sweden will pair selected participants with a sustainability expert and/or film industry professional who will provide information and guidance throughout the project’s production process.

    Participants will be required to blog about their experiences, sharing thoughts, photographs and even video content with NOMAD Films and GAP Sweden’s partners and audiences. Project production will take place June-August 2011; finished projects will be screen: for a public audience on October 2, 2011, at Bio Rio Cinema; for industry professionals and guests on October 3, 2011, as part of GAP Sweden’s Annual Conference Program; “Best of Project Green” film(s) will screen a third time, at a special event to be announced Summer 2011.

    Each screening will be followed by a question and answer session with the participants and following GAP Sweden’s Conference screening, participants and their mentors will engage in a round-table discussion. Through this discussion, participants and mentors, together with an audience of industry experts and the general public, will discuss sustainability and production, and will work to develop a standard list of guidelines for sustainable film and video practices. All events will take place in Stockholm, Sweden.

    A panel of judges - comprised of film and video makers as well as experts in the field of sustainability - will review each of the projects prior to the conference and determine the “Best of Project Green” based on overall incorporation of the Rules & Guidelines.


    1. At least one point from each of the Suggested Methods for Sustainable Filmmaking categories (included below) must be implemented throughout the entirety of production (to include a MINIMUM of SEVEN (7) sustainable actions).

    2. Storyline should motivate and inspire individuals to take action based upon at least one of five themes for GAP Sweden’s 2011 Conference: Energy, Transportation, Food (Creation/Consumption/Supply), Water, Garbage/Waste.

    3. Film can be no shorter than TWO (2) MINUTES in length, and no greater than SEVEN (7) minutes in length.

    4. At least 50% of project budget must be met without using cash; participants are encouraged to barter goods/services/equipment when possible.

    5. In an effort to create dialogue between participants, industry professionals and the audience, participants will be required to blog at least once a week throughout the production period (July 1st through September 10th). We feel there is often a disconnect between media makers and those who support their work in theaters; this blog will serve to bridge the gap and create opportunities for everyone to be a part of - or at least better understand and ideally appreciate - all that goes into the film and video making process.

    6. The Project Green blog address will be announced June 15th, along with the selected participants. Each participant will be given access, and posts should include:

    ○ Notes and/or feedback from all aspects of the production experience: what do you find easy about the guidelines? What is difficult? What is reasonable and/or what is outrageous, and what just doesn’t work? How are the guidelines positively or negatively affecting your methods of production?

    ○ Timeline/production planning: Do you think this was a productive week? What are your goals for this week and what are you planning for next week? And so on…

    ○ Photographs and/or brief video diaries providing a behind-the-scenes look at the production experience

    7. Filmmakers will each be assigned a mentor – a film industry professional and/or sustainability expert – and will have weekly calls (or in-person meetings when possible), where the filmmaker will update the mentor on their production process and seek advice/guidance where needed. Mentors will confirm each meeting – and vouch for filmmaker’s implementation of sustainable methods – via an electronic form only accessible by NOMAD Films, GAP and mentors.

    8. Pending scheduling and availability, filmmakers will join NOMAD Films and Global Action Plan Sweden in Stockholm in October, attend the screenings and participate in the Question & Answer sessions that follow, and participate in the closing workshop and round-table discussion following the screenings.



    ● Production meetings will be held locally and will be accessible via all modes of transport

    ● Communication between production staff/crew will be via e-mail and online forums/documents, as well as via telephones

    ● Casting calls will be announced electronically, submissions received electronically and notifications sent electronically to minimize use of paper

    ● Location scouting will be done via public transportation or bike when possible; carpooling otherwise

    ● All accounting/administrative paperwork will be done online; printing will be kept to a minimum

    ● Pre-production office/headquarters should have recycling bins available and staff encouraged to bring their own reusable containers



    ● If possible, shoot at a location that is easily accessible via bus, train, bike, foot and/or car.

    ● Regardless of where the set is – middle of the desert vs. a busy city street – be mindful of the production’s impact on the environment and avoid damaging the surroundings with production-related activities.

    ● Make sure to remove all equipment and remnants from production – leave NOTHING behind after production. This includes used tape for lighting, grease spills, gum wrappers, cigarette butts, etc.


    ● Vehicles used throughout production should be electric or hybrid; absolutely no SUVs or diesel trucks permitted on sustainable sets or for use in-between locations

    ● Using public transportation and/or bike transport as much as possible will reduce pollutants as well as overall production costs. Additionally, it will eliminate the hassle obtaining parking permits.

    ● If air transport is necessary, all shipments and/or flights should be combined to minimize the number of planes necessary for transport. Arrival/departure times should be arranged to minimize car trips to airport, train station or bus station.


    ● Power: Solar energy chargers should be used for battery-powered devices; solar-powered generators as opposed to electrical-/gas-powered.

    ● Memory: P2 cards should be used when possible, and all data should be captured to external hard drives for memory storage. If film/tape stock is necessary filmmakers should capture footage nightly and reuse tape throughout production.

    ● Audio: memory cards, as opposed to tape, will be used to capture audio

    ● Lighting: Use of natural light when possible and/or battery powered lighting devices and/or solar powered lighting. All lighting, regardless of source, should be turned off or powered down when not in immediate use.


    ● Production staff/crew should bring their own reusable plates and utensils, as well as cloth napkins, no paper/plastic plates or utensils will be provided

    ● Drinks will be dispensed via large containers and staff/crew/talent should bring coffee mugs and/or water bottles for drinking; no paper/plastic cups will be provided.

    ● On-set catering should come from local restaurants and/or local vendors who use local suppliers (perhaps production location organized in order to make this possible).

    ● Food should be biked or walked to set, and production should supply caterer with reusable containers for transporting. Additionally, canvas/cloth bags should be used as opposed to paper/plastic

    ● Food waste should be composted when appropriate; uneaten food should be donated to local shelter(s)

    Waste Disposal

    ● There will be recycling bins on-set and production staff/crew and talent will be required to sort their own recycling.

    ● All materials that could be re-used will be (tape re-rolled and used a second/third time, call sheets used as scrap paper, etc).


    ● Post-Production office and edit suite will be accessible via all modes of transport.

    ● Communication between production staff/crew will be via e-mail and online forums/documents

    ● Equipment should be turned off when not in use; monitors can be powered down when computers need to run overnight

    ● All accounting/administrative paperwork will be done online; printing will be kept to a minimum

    ● Post-Production office/headquarters should have recycling bins available, and staff encouraged to bring their own reusable containers

    ***PLEASE NOTE: Filmmakers are permitted and encouraged to submit additional methods for sustainable filmmaking outside of the above suggestions. If they are to count as one of the obligatory minimum actions, NOMAD Films and GAP Sweden must approve them prior to implementation or production.


    The CALL FOR PROPOSALS opens April 18, 2011, and proposals will be accepted through May 31, 2011. Up to TEN (10) proposals will be selected for production guidance and the final competition. To submit a proposal, please send a project proposal and/or film/video synopsis UP TO FIVE PAGES in length, along with a completed application, to . Signed rules and terms of agreement should be mailed to the below address, postmarked no later than May 31, 2011.

    Sarah Schutzki

    NOMAD Films

    P.O. Box 2021

    New York, New York 10113-2021

    United States of America

    Please contact NOMAD Films’ Sarah Schutzki and/or Ari Allansson with any questions or concerns.
  • 4/19/11 at 5:26 PM -
    5/31/11 at 8:26 PM
  • Where
    Stockholm, Sweden Map
  • Category
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