POSH is and educational experience for women event filmmakers and photographers interested in cinema. Our sessions are interactive, hands-on and one-on-one to focus on enhancing your storytelling skills + running and marketing your business. POSH 2012 is November 12-14 at the Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The investment is $725 (early bird until Aug 15, 2012) $775 starting Aug 16, 2012.
POSH 2012 includes:
- Boutique style event for a more intimate experience
- 3 days of interactive and hands-on educational sessions
- Early morning sessions on health and fitness
- Welcome mingler to meet and greet everyone
- Round table discussions to share and learn from each other
- Breakfast on workshop days
- Relationship building with like-minded women
- An afternoon to explore Scottsdale to shoot, hike or relax your mind
Please visit www.theposhretreat.com/register to sign up for this event. The event is limited to 50 attendees.