Call For Entries: Winter Photo Contest 2023

Event Details

  • Winter Photo Contest 2023: From the Tropic to the Arctic ~ Second Edition ~​ Share a photo of how winter looks in your part of the world for a chance to get featured in the Student Filmmakers Magazine! Prizes: TBA – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will receive a trophy or plaque and an interview in the StudentFilmmakers Magazine Judges: Roy H. Wagner ASC FRPS Additional Judges will be Announced in January The second edition of the “Winter Photo Contest: From the Tropic to the Arctic” starts on the first official day of winter, December 21, 2022, and ends on the last official day of winter, March 20, 2023. YOU CAN ENTER FOR FREE UNTIL JANUARY 15, 2023! Early Bird: $5 until January 20, 2023 CONTEST ENTRY FEE: $15 until February 20, 2023 $25 until March 20, 2023 SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO TODAY: UPDATE Winter Photo Contest 2023: Judging in Progress​ Thank you everyone for entering your photo to the second edition of the “Winter Photo Contest 2023: From the Tropic to the Arctic”! We would like to thank you all for your fantastic submissions to our contest. We have received a large number of beautiful winter photos from all around the world, and it has been a pleasure to see how each of you has captured the essence of winter in your part of the world! We are excited to announce that our featured judge, Roy H. Wagner, ASC, FRPS, is currently reviewing all of the entries. Mr. Wagner is an award-winning cinematographer with over 30 years of experience in the film industry, and we are thrilled to have him as our judge for this year’s contest! We understand that waiting for the results can be difficult, but we assure you that each photo is being carefully considered. We will write an update as soon as the judging process is complete. Once again, thank you for your participation, and we wish you all the best of luck!
  • 12/20/22 at 3:00 PM -
    3/20/23 at 3:50 PM
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  • RSVPs
    • 5 attending
    • 18 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 217 awaiting reply