Worldwide Premiere of 'Body Stories: Together'

Event Details

  • Dear Filmmaking Community, In the spirit of shared passion, I'm thrilled to share an announcement that carries abundance of excitement. Our latest creation, 'Body Stories: Together,' is gearing up for its global premiere this month! (02/24). What makes this award winner production truly special is the collaborative magic that unfolded in a virtual space, proving that creativity knows no bounds. I'm grateful for the talented individuals who poured their hearts into this film, breaking barriers and redefining the art of storytelling. I invite you to join us for an evening of shared love for cinema, celebrating the triumph of collaboration. Stay tuned for more details, and let's cherish the beauty of storytelling together. Warm regards, Mariluz Guerra-Ariza. #BodyStoriesTogether #GlobalPremiere #AwardWinnerMovie #CinematicMagic
  • Date
    11:00 AM - 11:40 AM
  • Where
  • Host
    Body Stories Team
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  • RSVPs
    • 8 attending
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    • 153 awaiting reply