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GEO needs a DP ( I also have a intro)

  • April 4, 2009 10:35 PM PDT

    Hi my name is Geovane, but I guarantee you'll ever call me that. Because everyone I meet just calls me GEO. Well anyway... I'm probably one of the best PAs you'll ever have around your set. Seriously, I get kudos all the time. One time on my friends set, apparently the AD was jealous of me, because I looked as if I were doing more work then anyone else on the set. I was moving constantly helping everyone out. The DP didn't even have C-47s on him...but I did. I will do anything though. From Booming to Camera Op to Gaffer. But what I love the most is DPing. It's exciting. Color is the best thing I've ever experience and seen. CTOs to CTBs to N.3s to CC30 to Full Straws to Tiffens #12 Red/Blue filters to Baby deuces to Big Eye Tenners to Baby Juniors to HMI to Xenon to Brutes, (gasp...let me breathe) IT'S ALL BETTER THAN SEX! Well if not the same. I love Cinematography. It's my dream.

    ---------NEED DP------------NEED DP------------READ---------READ-------------------

    Anyway... I have to direct a PRB (Portfolio Review) 30 second commercial and was LOOKING for ANYONE willing to DP. The theme is about being "Above the Influence." You can youtube it for similar commercials. Or even youtube "Pete's couch." It will be shot in Oxnard due to budget issues. And all crew members will sleep in a motel for free. Food will be provided. Shoot will take one day.


    Thank you



    (805)984-9173 (Leave a message if no one picks up and ask for Geovane)

    Thank you again

    -GEO" mce_src="" alt="" phpfox="image-protect">