Is a DJ a composer?

    • 431 posts
    February 21, 2023 3:06 AM PST

    Have you ever wondered if a DJ is a music composer or not? They play music, but do they compose anything? The world of music is a vast and dynamic one, with many roles and positions involved in creating and delivering it. Among these roles, the DJ has been a prominent figure. However, there is a debate on whether a DJ can be considered a music composer or not.

    On one hand, some people think that DJs can be considered music composers because they create their music by mixing different tracks and adding their own flavour to it. They need to have a good understanding of music theory and rhythm to make sure everything flows well. Plus, some DJs make their tracks, which is similar to traditional composers.

    But, on the other hand, some people think that a DJ isn't really a composer because they don't create original music. They just take other people's tracks and mix them up to make them sound better. They might use some effects as well, but they're not really creating anything new.

    I think that it's not fair to say that all DJs are not composers because some of them create original music and have a significant impact on the music industry. They're not just entertainers; they're artists, too.

    I think that it's all about how you look at it. Some people think that a DJ can be a composer, while others don't. Either way, DJs are part of the music world and bring unique musical experiences.

    What are your thoughts on this topic? Is a DJ a composer?