The Ultimate Film Festival Checklist

    • 432 posts
    December 3, 2024 1:34 PM PST

    Hey everyone!

    Submitting to a film festival is exciting, but it can also feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. With so many details to keep track of, it’s easy to forget something important. That’s why I’ve put together this ultimate checklist to help you stay organized and stress-free throughout the process.

    1. Create a Festival Plan

    Before you start submitting, make a list of festivals that suit your film’s theme, genre, and style. Research submission deadlines, fees, and eligibility requirements. Prioritize your list based on factors like cost, prestige, and relevance to your goals.

    2. Check Your Format

    Different festivals have different technical requirements for submissions. Make sure your film meets their specifications for resolution, frame rate, and file type. It’s also a good idea to test your file on various devices to ensure it plays correctly.

    3. Perfect Your Submission Package

    A strong submission package can make all the difference. This includes a polished trailer, high-quality stills from your film, and a well-written synopsis. If possible, include a director’s statement or a press kit to give more context about your vision.

    4. Budget for Fees

    Submission fees can add up quickly, so plan accordingly. Many festivals offer early-bird discounts or fee waivers for students and indie filmmakers, so take advantage of those opportunities when possible.

    5. Promote Your Screening

    Once your film is accepted, don’t stop there. Promote your screening through social media, email newsletters, and personal invitations. Create buzz by sharing behind-the-scenes photos, teasers, or fun facts about your film. The more people who attend your screening, the more memorable your festival experience will be.

    6. Pack for Success

    If you’re attending the festival, come prepared. Bring plenty of business cards, postcards for your film, and any promotional materials you might need. Comfortable shoes and a notebook for taking notes are also must-haves for a busy festival day.

    What else would you add to this list? If you’ve been through the festival process before, share your tips and tricks. And if you’re new, feel free to ask questions. This forum is here to support you!