Film Festival Horror Stories – Lessons Learned

    • 432 posts
    December 3, 2024 1:34 PM PST

    Hi, fellow filmmakers!

    Film festivals are an exciting part of a filmmaker’s journey, but let’s face it. Not everything always goes according to plan. From technical glitches to logistical nightmares, the festival circuit is full of learning moments. I thought it might be fun and helpful to share some of these experiences so we can all learn from each other’s missteps.

    One story that stands out to me is about a filmmaker friend who submitted their short film to a festival without properly testing the format. They sent in a file that was technically compatible but hadn’t been played on the festival’s equipment before the screening. When their film played, the colors were all wrong, and the audio was off-sync. It was a nightmare! The lesson here is to always, always check the festival’s technical requirements and test your file before the event. Many festivals offer tech checks in advance, so take advantage of them if you can.

    Another common issue is poor planning when it comes to promoting your screening. I once attended a festival where a filmmaker forgot to update their audience on the screening date and time. Only a handful of people showed up, which was heartbreaking because the film was fantastic. This could have been avoided with a little extra effort to share the details on social media, email lists, or even with flyers at the event.

    One final lesson I’ve learned is to stay calm and adaptable. Festivals are hectic, and things will go wrong. Maybe your Q&A session doesn’t go as planned, or your flight gets delayed, and you miss the first day. Whatever happens, keep your focus on why you’re there: to celebrate your work and connect with others.

    Have you experienced any film festival challenges? Whether they were minor hiccups or full-blown disasters, I’d love to hear about them. Sharing these stories not only helps others avoid similar mistakes but also reminds us that every filmmaker faces bumps along the road.