Hi there, Anyone have any information about good workshops or short courses (up to 1 year maximum) for studying film (production, theory, editing etc) in New York?
I am from New Zealand and have just completed a degree in communication studies majoring in digital media and would like to focus on film production/directing.
Would really appreciate any information anyone could offer.
Thank you,
Sex Drive...nu cred ca l'am vazut, dar am asa, o vaga impresie ca e foarte kinky, sa nu zic altfel, ca cine stie ce cred astia de aici pe urma... XD
Iar concluzia...concluzia este ca atat Edius, cat si Premiere Pro au un folder cu Color Correction => se poate face Color Correction in ambele. Ca la demonstratiile alea de congruenta din a 8'a sau a 7'a cu latura unghi latura, sau latura latura latura http://studentfilmmakers.network/file/smile/emo/blink.gif" mce_src="http://studentfilmmakers.network/file/smile/emo/blink.gif" alt="" phpfox="image-protect"> ( God, I love this smiley so much )
Acum on-topic, ce are Edius in plus fata de premiere? Sau, de ce nu, ce are premiere in plus fata de Edius? (cred ca e mai degraba a doua varianta).