Location Scouting - Fisherman's Bastion, Budapest (Halászbástya)

    • 57 posts
    March 14, 2022 2:31 AM PDT

    In case you are visiting my hometown, Budapest and you are looking for a beautiful architectural spot for your next project, the Fisherman's Bastion is the place for you. This place can remind you of a fairytale castle from children's books. This place is located on the top of the Castle Hill. From there, you can also get a very nice view of other beautiful spots, including the Pest side and the Parliament.

    The downside of this location is that it can get extremely crowded by tourists, so you will have to wake up early to avoid this. The good side to this drawback is that you will get the best light to shoot in if you wake up early.

    There are plenty balconies you can go to but the one I recommend you is the one which has the Parliament on the background. You can also go to the upper right turret. Another spot in this area is the main staircase.

    This location is very beautiful and it was created with a decorative purpose to serve as the background of the St. Matthias Church.The construction was completed in 1905 and it has Gothic and Neo-Romanesque styles with a bit of Classicism. I recommend you to go there at sunrise, and after you are done shooting for the day, you can enjoy a coffee in the complex that opens at 9 AM.

    • 432 posts
    March 14, 2022 2:57 AM PDT

    I have never been to this place before, but I already have a few projects in mind.

    • 57 posts
    March 14, 2022 2:58 AM PDT

    I will post about other locations as well. Budapest has many beautiful  places with a special architecture. 

    • 81 posts
    January 17, 2023 2:51 AM PST

    A medieval short film could be shot in that exact spot, Istvan!