Paul Maertens on Senior Thesis Film ‘The Last Raptor’

    • 432 posts
    March 15, 2022 2:13 AM PDT

    "Paul Maertens, a senior at Biola University, discusses ‘The Last Raptor’ a film he is writing and producing as his senior thesis project. The story follows a band in the 1970’s who, after cats begin to mysteriously die around them at the claws of an unknown beast, run into the last raptor on earth. Maertens discusses the ideas behind the film, the work going into creating it as well as its successful Indiegogo campaign."

    Read the interview here:

    • 57 posts
    March 15, 2022 2:28 AM PDT

    This is a very ambitious Thesis Film.

    • 47 posts
    January 17, 2023 2:55 AM PST

    Not many filmmakers engage in projects showcasing raptors these days. This is an original idea and Paul has walked the path less travelled.