What are the best affordable Netflix approved camera and lens?

    • 57 posts
    March 18, 2022 1:43 AM PDT

    As you all know by now, I live in Budapest. The city I live in is rich in locations that can be used for many film ideas that I have, from documentaries to fantasy stories. I would like to try and create content for Netflix and for this, I ask for your advice.

    I do not have an unlimited budget and I would rather purchase, not rent equipment because I plan on using it for a few years without the fear of being constrained by time. For this reason, I ask the question: what are the best affordable Netflix approved camera and lens? I will film most of my shoots in natural light, at early hours in the morning to avoid tourists.

    • 431 posts
    March 18, 2022 1:53 AM PDT

    I believe it is Canon C300 Mk II (costs around $5k). You will need to capture in 4k RAW. I am unsure of the lens.

    • 38 posts
    November 4, 2022 3:29 AM PDT

    In the past days, an interesting video popped up in my "For You" on TikTok. Why do I say it is interesting? Because when I checked the profile of the person who uploaded that video, I saw that he was one of the Netflix co-founders. I did not expect to encounter him on that app. Regarding your question, all the cameras are listed on their website however, I saw they are constantly updating the list so you must be careful.