What is the best length for a TikTok video?

    • 47 posts
    June 27, 2022 3:53 AM PDT

    I was thinking to practice making very short films and post them on tiktok because at the moment, from all of the platforms, it seems to provide content creators with the most exposure. Of course, if you are lucky to be picked by their unpredictable algorighm. I have seen many content creators post their work there and in the end, they got at least one viral video.

    To increase my odds, I have read that my videos need to have a length. At the moment, a video on TikTok can be up to 10 minutes. I haven’t seen one video that is longer than 2 minutes in my For You page and this is why I am worried about this.

    Any suggestion?

    • 431 posts
    June 28, 2022 3:17 AM PDT

    Hi Julia!
    From my knowledge, a video that is 7 seconds should have the chance to get picked by the algorithm and get viral. But you still need to do something in those 7 seconds for people to like, comment and share it. 
    My advice is to not get stuck on the 7 seconds because I have seen many videos that are longer and that are viral. It is true, I haven't seen videos over one minute, but up to 40 seconds should be good to go. Good luck!

    • 81 posts
    June 29, 2022 10:07 PM PDT

    The problem is not so much with the length. The problem is with what you have in that length. Someone watches your video not because you post it, they watch it because it is funny, educational or entertaining to watch. TikTok is not like youtube to promote vlogs that are long and nice but anything up to 1 min should be safe. You just need to find something to keep your audience there for that long. It is easier to keep an audience for a few seconds but again, what will you tell them in only a few seconds?