How To Easily Create A 3D Digital Character Of Yourself

    • 431 posts
    July 28, 2022 11:57 PM PDT

    A computer software allows its users to create a 3D character of themselves, without requiring previous 3D experience. MetaHuman is built using Unreal Engine 5, which is a free and easy to use tool provided by Epic Games.

    You can use the framework provided by MetaHuman to build a 3D digital character that resembles a human in a very realistic way. The software is still in development but anyone can request an Early Access for free. You can try the software without installing it because it runs in your browser.

    How to create a 3D character of yourself using MetaHuman?

    To begin using this software, you start by choosing a premade character that is similar to how you look. You can then proceed and edit the look by adjusting a few parameters, such as skin, eyes, teeth, makeup, eyebrows, mustache, beard etc.

    You can also choose the option called “Live Events”, which allows you to use MetaHuman in real time. You can easily access it from your iPhone, through the app called Live Link Face, or by using your webcam on your PC or laptop, but you will need to install additional software (such as Faceware Studio, Analyzer, Retargeter, iClone and others) and it can be difficult to set it up. You can animate your character by using Adobe Mixamo, which is also free if you have an Adobe subscription and Mixamo Converter, to be able to edit it in Unreal Engine 5.

    After going through all these steps, you can enjoy a 3D character of yourself that you can use for your projects. MetaHuman is a great alternative that is most suitable for people with low budget, little experience working with 3D models and students.

    Here you can view two demo models that were created by using MetaHuman:

    • 6 posts
    July 30, 2022 8:02 AM PDT

    Thanks for the heads up. I hadn't heard of this and it looks cool.

    • 431 posts
    July 30, 2022 10:02 AM PDT
    Rob Jones said:

    Thanks for the heads up. I hadn't heard of this and it looks cool.

    I am also very excited about this!

    • 81 posts
    August 3, 2022 1:25 AM PDT

    I would have never even thought that someday, it will be so easy to animate yourself in such a good quality without graphic design knowledge or talent. 

    • 41 posts
    August 3, 2022 1:29 AM PDT

    When I first read the title "MetaHuman" my thoughts went to the metaverse, NFT and crypto. Then I read the content of the post and I watched the video. Tonight, I will install that software and I will try it out. This is amazing, Maura! Danke!

    • 55 posts
    August 3, 2022 1:33 AM PDT
    Marianna Schmidt said:

    When I first read the title "MetaHuman" my thoughts went to the metaverse, NFT and crypto. Then I read the content of the post and I watched the video. Tonight, I will install that software and I will try it out. This is amazing, Maura! Danke!

    So will I!

    • 431 posts
    August 3, 2022 1:34 AM PDT
    Marianna Schmidt said:

    When I first read the title "MetaHuman" my thoughts went to the metaverse, NFT and crypto. Then I read the content of the post and I watched the video. Tonight, I will install that software and I will try it out. This is amazing, Maura! Danke!

    You are welcomed!

  • August 3, 2022 1:42 AM PDT

    I wonder if Metahuman could develop the creativity of my son. He loves playing with creative programs such as Minecraft, this would be the next level and would allow him to play with actual characters.

    • 26 posts
    January 17, 2023 3:31 AM PST

    I really want to try out Metahuman. I hope my laptop can handle the requirements of this software.