Embarrassing Teeth?

    • 9 posts
    August 11, 2022 10:44 AM PDT

    It’s a real joy to work with ongoing clients because we can establish shorthand dialogue and multi-faceted solutions. Our working relationship with Scope Studios is a good example of this. We’ve done a lot of projects with them over the years and not only have we refined our lighting approach but have been able to add to the comedic elements of many of their campaigns. We have a lot of hyphenated artists at Blare Media and so we had a lot of fun working on these comedic dentistry video spots and offering ideas when they were useful. We shot this campaign with our workhorse Red Epic Dragon camera and our Sigma Cine Primes. We lit it with Joker and Aputure lighting. The DP was Justin McAleece and Ian McAleece was the gaffer. The spots were produced by Jon Slagle and directed by Jean-Luc Slagle. Our client was Scope Studios who put the whole thing together.


    • 431 posts
    August 11, 2022 9:24 PM PDT

    Aside from being a great ad, this video is also a relevant short story about a common mistake that many people actually do!

    • 47 posts
    August 11, 2022 9:27 PM PDT

    People should understand that sometimes "cheaper" and "easier" don't necessarily mean "better". Sometimes, it ends up costing them more and creating more complications than just going to a professionist from the very beginning.

    Regarding the video, it is a great example of a great ad. The story is good, it is short and the technical side is very well done. 

    This post was edited by Julia Doyle at August 11, 2022 9:28 PM PDT