Forums » Film School

Do I really need a film degree?

    • 24 posts
    September 8, 2022 1:35 AM PDT

    As I was reading more about becomming a successful filmmaker, what worries me is that I stumbled upon many articles that encourage people to avoid film schools because they do not really need degrees to become successful filmmakers. 

    I am not the self-taught type of person and I believe that going to Uni would help me because a Film School has teachers that can guide you and provide you knowledge which would be very difficult to obtain otherwise. 

    What worries me however is that it seems that many film producers and directors do not have any training or degree. Which means you can land a job in this industry without graduating from Uni. This is a bit confusing for me as I am researching more Film Schools that I could attend (I live in United Kingdom) and I do not know which way to head towards, because Film School also seems to be expensive. Do I really need a film degree? What is your input on this?

    It can be extremely confusing when you do not know anyone who has either graduated or attended film school to ask for feedback.

    • 43 posts
    September 10, 2022 7:03 AM PDT

    I am a Film School student in Germany. Filmmaking degrees are not needed but it helps to have them, especially if you wish to work in Television or for a corporation. Also my school has partnerships and can allow me to work in internships when they become available which also helps because internships count as work experience.