TRENDING HASHTAG: #screenwriting call for entries


  • Looking For Work?

    Posted January 14, 2009 by temerson


    If you are looking for work, here are a few sites that advertise for production companies and jobs in the industry all over the country and throughout the world:[link=""][/link][link="http:// Read More...

  • Project "Indy John"

    Posted January 14, 2009 by audiostratus


    Hey,So, my first blog. What better way to start this off than to announce a new project I'm about to start on!This film that I'm going to be scoring (or MIGHT be, gotta see the sample clip from the director first. but I Read More...

  • Enter Video Contest Now

    Posted January 13, 2009 by ecacommunitymanager


    Enter your 3-minute video about what "My Culture + Your Culture" means to you for a chance to win an international exchange program! On December 1, 2008, the U.S Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural A Read More...

  • The Film Industry Is A Skyscraper

    Posted January 13, 2009 by temerson


    The Film Industry is a SkyscraperThink, if you will, on this analogy: the film industry is like a Skyscraper.What do I mean by this? Let me explain. Our Industry is like a skyscraper and we it's inhabitants. We enter on Read More...

  • The Difference Between Smart and Genius - Hiring Friends

    Posted January 13, 2009 by temerson


    On old proberb advises, "A smart man learns from his mistakes.  A genius learns from the mistakes of other men."  On that note, I think that it is important to share some mistakes that I have made in the past, in the hop Read More...

  • A Call To Filmmakers

    Posted January 10, 2009 by nsmacalus


    Script Tease, your home for cinema's lost classics, is in need of both aspiring and established filmmakers. Stop by and have a look around. We've got plenty of material to work with and encourage all to participate. Look Read More...

  • independent music for independent movies

    Posted January 8, 2009 by plunkett


    we are an independent duo seeking for collaborations with independent artists and movie makers. Our aim is to find talented people who wants to mix their art with ours. By mixing our music to your art we could create som Read More...

  • today is a new day.

    Posted January 8, 2009 by fattaneh2016

    1 Comment 643 Views

    today is a new day in the festival,farzaneh didnt come today, I hate everybody here.

  • jtmusic

    Posted January 8, 2009 by jtmusic

    1 Like 765 Views

    Hello world,I am Jan Tappé. I am a german composer. I makemusic for movies. I am always looking for new interestingprojects. You can listen to some of my work on Jan

  • Ooh Boy

    Posted January 4, 2009 by G_FRESH

    1 Comment 1,145 Views

    Well not sure what to say. My film making has been put on hold for a few reasons.1. Got a job working the night shift.2. Moved into a new apartment.3. It snowed/iced over the roads really bad.Now that those three factors Read More...