
  • Make Movies

    Posted January 20, 2008 by stonepatterson


    Visit us at or stonepatterson at -- let us know what you think of our low budget, original independent films? Always looking for actors. Always looking for unique Locations to shoot a Read More...

  • Halo fight

    Posted January 19, 2008 by Hawinikan


    CKP first movie Halo FightAdd to My Profile | More Videos


    Posted January 19, 2008 by Hawinikan


    CKP second movie Curse of the Wood NymphAdd to My Profile | More Videos

  • Somthing funny about orlando tech...

    Posted January 16, 2008 by Steveandthefilm

    1 Like 1,270 Views

    Alright, last year we where to make promo videos for each class in our school, Marchmen Tech. well lets just say we don't have the best equipment ever. the best cameras we have are a VX2100 and a GL2, then we have like 6 Read More...

  • Ron Paul Speaks

    Posted January 15, 2008 by stagedradio

    1 Like 1,572 Views

    I am always mixing styles - creating projects that have a stage, film, Web and print bent to them. After all, if you've researched a subject, why not extend the material out into different media? On the film side, I atte Read More...

  • Finally Complete!

    Posted January 14, 2008 by MichaelRoland


    After 3 years of development, production, and post-production, we can happily say that we have wrapped post-production and the film is complete. We will be updating our page with stills and artwork as well as posting an Read More...

  • Stills coming soon....

    Posted January 14, 2008 by Steveandthefilm

    1 Like 1,183 Views

    well i'll have some stills this weekend shot of me working on "Shattered" if all goes according to plan...

  • New online Sitcom

    Posted January 13, 2008 by FreedomYellsMedia


    Freedom Yells Media is now co-producing a new online sitcom called Somewhere in Suburbia. The pilot episode just came out and we need feedback. Good or bad. You can check out the pilot episode at www.suburbia.fre Read More...

  • Crimson

    Posted January 12, 2008 by MarkGrant

    1 Like 731 Views

    Here's a review of a low-budget vampire feature on DVD that I co-wrote about a year ago; the original writer was looking for someone to do a rewrite on his version, so I took it back to the basic story and characters, wo Read More...

  • Problems with "Shattered" my short film...

    Posted January 10, 2008 by Steveandthefilm

    1 Like 1,285 Views

    Well, the week before shooting begins for my short . The main actress is having a major operation and right now i dont know what to do, so at the same time i'm hoping she'll be better by next week, i'm in a frantic searc Read More...