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  • The Smalls Presents The Can, November 2007 NYC

    Posted November 15, 2007 by thesmalls


    Need to get away from the monitor now and again? We know that feeling too. That's why we're bringing you "The Can" - a brand new monthly showcase for short films from around the world aimed at recharging your creativ Read More...

  • New Project

    Posted November 11, 2007 by SantiagoMenghini

    1 Comment 1 Like 1,611 Views

    Hi, Everyone, I know that I haven't posted anything new lately but just to keep you guys informed I am currently in production of my new project, a comedy. It's my first real go at a short comedy and from what I have Read More...

  • My music hits the film festivals!

    Posted November 8, 2007 by Jim_Curtis

    1 Like 1,076 Views

    The short film "Wayward Escape" containing my music won the director John Laws, the best young director award at the Bacup film festival England in October 2007! As John stated: "I couldn't have won it without your musi Read More...

  • Picture is Locked

    Posted November 6, 2007 by MichaelRoland


    We completed the edit last Friday.:-) Aubrey G. Young is composing the score and doing an excellent work. The color correction is also in progress. We've submitted to a couple of festivals with a rough cut. The score and Read More...

  • Yahoo's Global City Beats Deadline Reminder

    Posted October 31, 2007 by klausgbc

    1 Like 903 Views

    REMINDER - DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 15. 2007 Global City Beats is YAHOO's first User Generated Content Theatre Movie. All Users, Filmmakers, Videomakers, and Animators around the world welcome. Upload your short films Read More...

  • Make Believe

    Posted October 22, 2007 by alsoknownasjayne


    So I admit. I did fall off the face of the earth for some time. But I arise once again, with short film in hand. Or rather, short film in post prod, which we will refer to from hereon as Make Believe. A slow but stea Read More...

  • Global City Beats

    Posted October 16, 2007 by klausgbc

    1 Like 1,094 Views

    Call for Shorts, Yahoo's Global City Beats Deadline Reminder REMINDER - DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 15. 2007 Global City Beats is YAHOO's first User Generated Content Theatre Movie. All Users, Filmmakers, Videomakers Read More...

  • The Smalls

    Posted October 15, 2007 by thesmalls


    The Smalls is a curator of independent short film, committed to the discovery and promotion of new talent through our website, events and competitions. [br] [br] We are here to inspire and to offer a medium where emer Read More...

  • New Crative Talent

    Posted October 13, 2007 by SimonSanders

    1 Like 773 Views

    I am looking for writers, artists, designers, photographers’ video producers and others who want a channel through which they can develop and make money from their talents the channel that I have created is www.WDI-Fusio Read More...

  • Vista Fibers:Recycling

    Posted October 12, 2007 by ryanfyffe

    1 Like 1,082 Views

    Hey Everyone! You've seen the Vista Fibers production photos in my gallery, now check out the video! Lemme know what you think! RY