TRENDING HASHTAG: #production crew


  • Elucidating the Erudites

    Posted November 12, 2011 by sonnyboo


    Elucidating the EruditeAfter over $100 in shipping and over 50 packages, I suddenly find myself with less to do for the briefest of moments. I'm taking a weekend off, more or less. I spent today cleaning, and doing a maj Read More...

  • Chinese Video Production Equipment

    Posted November 11, 2011 by Blake Barnett


    There are several difficult choices to be made when buying gear in 2012. It's expensive, it's confusing and it's ever-changing. 1. It's expensive. At least it was, but it's getting cheaper, but this is bringing other Read More...

  • My new Crumpler DSLR camera bag.

    Posted November 10, 2011 by Jody Michelle


    I've used different kinds of production bags for the DSLR kits I've had the wonderful opportunity from to shoot with for StudentFilmmakers Magazine. Tonight is my first time having the opportunity t Read More...

  • THORNS! New web-series!

    Posted November 9, 2011 by Shannon Litt


    Hey, Student Filmmakers! I would love to share with you guys my new web-series, which is about to go into production tomorrow >.< Please take 5 mins to check out the FB page ( Read More...

  • Waggery and Whimsy

    Posted November 8, 2011 by sonnyboo


    Focus is the key. Staying on track and not letting things help you stray from your chosen path; this presents the most common mistake in getting lost. Even on a bad day right now, I still get a lot done. Whether it's for Read More...

  • Across the tracks Trailer

    Posted November 7, 2011 by Shawn kessler

    2 Comments 1 Like 2,540 Views

    Well guys the trailer is done and up on all my web sites I have listed. Please check it out let me know what you think? Not sure if I will be able to meet my fall deadline for completing the film. As some of my actors a Read More...


    Posted November 6, 2011 by javier pasquets


    Films comentary

  • Gibson Video Contest

    Posted November 5, 2011 by theresapickett


    I saw this video contest and thought I'd share it. I'm not sure if you've seen Gibson in the news lately for the Lacey Act, but this website shows what's been happening and how your video can support Gibson. http://ht Read More...

  • HollyWeb Festival Announces New "Working for the Web" Call for Entries and Awards

    Posted November 4, 2011 by Jody Michelle

    1,438 Views" width="69" height="75" border="0" align="right">" alt="HollyWeb Fe

  • Engaging the Epithets

    Posted November 2, 2011 by sonnyboo


    Acolytes of Boo, your faithful narrator has returned in more ways than one. As always, I have kept busy, but soon the results of which will be seen by many. A few bouts of insomnia along with some creative bursts of ener Read More...