Sorry for the problems you encountered! :-( Just stay on the main-page and listen to my tracks in the build-in player. The other tracks are dead-links at the moment and I'm re-launch my site to become completely english. Again, sorry for that!
But it's very nice, that you pointed me to that facts.
Hi I'm a german musician/composer looking for filmprojects to envolve myselfe in. I've just finished a full-length filmscore for a german open-source-film-project called Valkaama (release in 2010).
It was so much fun working on it, that I would like to offer you my experience in composing music (about 10 years) to help you get the right music for your project. I don't favour any genre or style of film. I tend to do electronic, exeprimental (but not too much) music.
You can find some short samples on my website at
Just use the player at the right side.
If you're interested you can get me via PM or directly via email at
PS: Have I mentioned, that I offer you my music for free!" mce_src="" alt="" phpfox="image-protect">