August 11, 2012 3:38 AM PDT
The film is a documented extraction of someones opinion about their own life and what is cureently controlling it. It isn't meant to have a clear cut message or influence peoples decisions about drugs, the inanimate objects such as the crucifix and the plastic toy represent that there are no physical beings attesting or consenting to the way this person is living there life and in effect has left them officially isolated from company and physical contact, this is reflected in one of the statement made by the subject to he referes to himself as isolated and 'having lost alot of freinds' due to the dependency, however the crucifix has a double meaning (most importantly the one focused on around his neck) it represents that the subject does not feel totaly alone and relies on a more spiritual entity to provide comfort and unspoken thoughts and relativity, I wouldn't say this glamourises drugs in any form nor does it specifically deter people from the use of such substances,, it's there as a reference for people or a relation to others, it's designed for an adult audience to percieve and to judge and take from it whatever they will individually it does not suggest anything it provides one persons point of view
Thanks for your comments very much appreciated.