
"War Brides of Japan, a docu*memory: The Culture" trailer

Posted by Yayoi Winfrey
"The Culture” is chapter 4 of 5 chapters in the award-winning “War Brides of Japan, a docu*memory” film series available at Video On Demand, on Vimeo: In this trailer, war bride daughter M Fumie (“Cactus…Cranes…Cooks") talks about her passion for creating origami while multicultural daughters Michelle and Stephanie fondly remember the origami lessons she taught them. In “Tamales 4 Bon Odori”, Diana recounts how her Japanese Mexican family was rejected by Japanese Americans in their community because they were “hapa”. Yet, her mother instilled Japanese culture in her children, and they attended Obon every year. “Bringing Japan Home” features Sophia reflecting on the influence of her Japanese mother that compelled her to bring home so many souvenirs from Japan that they take up her entire house. #warbridesofjapan
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