
Native Vegan

Posted by Yayoi Winfrey
Were any Native people in North America originally vegan? Here's some "food for thought" to celebrate your Fourth of July weekend. Thank you to VeganFlix Studios for awarding us a grant to create this film, and to Rita Laws for her thought-provoking writing. All music contained in this film was licensed to Robert Taylor, aka Rob Lee, producer.
Posted October 5, 2023 - Filed in Documentary - #indigenous  #native  #vegan  #VeganFlix Studios  #Trail of Tears 
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  • Maura Nicolaita Hi Yayoi! Thanks for sharing! By the way, we have an on-going video contest. If you have a short film that is below 5 minutes, you can enter it for free here: ( You can enter up to 3 short films)