
Cinematic Conversations Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country with Par Hniang

Posted by Dallas VideoFest
Thousands of citizens of Myanmar take to the streets in several cities to protest the Asian nation's repressive regime. The protests take on a new degree of seriousness when dozens of monks launch their own marches down city streets. This documentary from Anders Ostergaard focuses on the work of videographers and citizen journalists who defy the government's crackdown on the media -- a brave bunch who manage to transmit footage of the uprising to the outside world. The film screened at Dallas VideoFest in 2008 and was nominated for an Academy award. Par Hniang is currently a student at the University of North Texas. She is from Zephai, Chin State, Myanmar and, came to the United States in November of 2007 as a refugee. Throughout her school year, she was known to be a leader. She joined many organizations in school to help inspire the Chin people to get involved as well. In her freshman and sophomore year of high school she served as Student Body President for those respective years and continue as a Student Body Officer in her junior and senior year. She is also a leader in her community and church and wishes to guide the youth toward the right path. Her dream is to see many people from her community rise up as leaders and be the change makers in the world. For those unfamiliar with the Chin and their connection to the city of Lewisville and LISD, the Chin are three people groups from the western side of Myanmar, the Chin State. The Chin were persecuted due to race and religion, with much of the population fleeing. In the early 2000s, thousands of Chin refugees entered the United States, and a group of refugees found a home in Lewisville. Fast forward years later, and the Chin community in Lewisville is thriving. Special thanks to Tommy Schubert from AFFD ASian Film Festival Dallas
Posted March 26, 2021
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