


Blogs » New Crative Talent

New Crative Talent

  • I am looking for writers, artists, designers, photographers’ video producers and others who want a channel through which they can develop and make money from their talents the channel that I have created is
    I believe that everybody has talent and would like to find people who feel currently unfulfilled, who are either already working as a creative or would like to become one, and support them to fulfil their goals.
    In order to do this we also have our new site which has been created with the purpose of providing an avenue for creative talent to be shown to the world and offer the opportunity for that talent to be rewarded. The concept is a multimedia online magazine to which articles can be published that will reward the authors through advertising revenue. Attached to this site we have sales sites through which items such as paintings, photographs, clothing, handbags can be sold. In addition we have where details of creative people can be found.
    I would like to hear from people who feels that they would like to channel their creative energy into a life changing experience and would like to take that first step.