
Blogs » Film Festival in NY!

Film Festival in NY!

  • Hey Guys!

    So I'm an intern at Gen Art in NY and I just wanted to let you know about this great event we're having. This week is our Film Festival which is featuring some great movies and after parties, but what's really interesting for all of you is the panel discussion.

    This weekend, April 5-6, we're having a free panel discussion where we'll have conversations with theĀ  filmmakers and discuss their work and their journey from dream to screen. I know that all of you are interested in becoming filmmakers yourselves and this is a great way to learn more about it from people who have had success in the field.

    Anyway, I just thought you might be interested. If you want to come, it's free you just have to RSVP to

    Hope to see you there!!" mce_src="" alt="" phpfox="image-protect">