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This One's for the Younger Filmmakers in the Network...

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    This one's for the younger filmmakers in the Network, and I know you're out there, because I am watching your videos that you post in the video section.

    There is a new contest that you might want to enter and win. It looks easy! Just create a video under 90 seconds with the theme "money saving," for a chance to win up to $3,000. Now, I really want to see someone in our Network win, so please check this out, and let me know if you have entered. To enter or for more information, go to

    By the way, I am amazed of all the young filmmakers in the Network. For example I see that there is a 14-year filmmaker who is creating stop motion and posting her work in the video section. I was telling our chief editor the other day how I am just so amazed by one particular 18-year-old filmmaker in the Network who sets the bar really high for young filmmakers in her age group. It's just really great to see young filmmakers experimenting with technology, techniques, and forms of storytelling. (I wish that both HD and HDSLR existed when I was in highschool!)

    Don't forget to enter the contest above if you can!
