
Blogs » Indie Film Channel -- call for submissions Indie Film Channel -- call for submissions

  • First-time directors and seasoned filmmakers alike, take note![br][br]Send your 20-90 minute submissions to the Internet’s largest interactive chat site,, for its upcoming VIRTUAL Indie Film Festival. If chosen, $100 and limitless exposure are yours. Any and all independently-funded films made in good taste are eligible for submission. Films cannot contain any nudity and should maintain no more than the equivalent of a PG-13/ R rating.
    Send in DVD format tobr][br][br]
    Paltalk Indie Film Festival[br]
    1539 Sawtelle Blvd.[br]
    Los Angeles CA 90025[br][br][br]
    By submitting your film you agree to a non-exclusive right for a one-time license to air. If selected, Paltalk will notify you with proper advance notice, so you’ll have time to get the word out. You will have the opportunity to appear alongside your film, and discuss it directly with viewers in a live Q&A (access to a PC is required for this).[br][br]

    Good luck!