

  • StefanoSgambati
    StefanoSgambati It looks like there's someone else who's starting with a new project! So... Good luck to both of us!!!<br>
    February 11, 2007 - Report
  • sandeep bhamkar
    sandeep bhamkar Hello,

    ...  more
    April 18, 2010 - Report

Blogs » Week 1/17

Week 1/17

  • Three o’clock (AM) rolls around, yet I’m not asleep. I feel
    overwhelmed, scared, excited, motivated, anxious, blah, blah, and blah
    for Pour-Soi. Week one of production comes to a halt today; it’s almost
    as if I’m in Project Greenlight, or some similar reality show.

    I knew the script was picked (on Monday), I immediately counted how
    many weeks we would have to pull it off. Kinda strange, but I guess
    that’s who I am, always concerned with time. Since then, and even
    before, I’ve been researching all different work flows and cameras to
    use for the production. We’re hoping for the HVX200, but the school
    seems to enjoy screwing people over. And, I’ve been trying to figure
    out the crew we’re gonna need so that no one is completely buried.

    was the day. The day I finally was assigned an above-the-line crew,
    consisting of two Producers, a Director of Photography, an Art Director
    (who really should take on the title of Production Designer), and an
    Assistant Director (all of which I’ll introduce later). Of the groups
    in the class we’re probably the strongest. Still, it was hard to
    seriously talk about anything on Thursday. Everyone was talking at
    5,000 MPH and throwing ideas out…totally cool…but we have to take all
    that information and do something. Anyway, I’m happy to say our entire
    crew has almost been found, and we’re probably going to grab some more
    people to flush it out.

    Tomorrow, we’re having a PreVis
    meeting, our first, to talk about some broad ideas and get the ball
    rolling. Pour-Soi should be a totally awesome experience and a totally
    stressful one.

    On to planning the crew breakdown.
