
Blogs » The Lent/Writing Connection

The Lent/Writing Connection

  • Today is Ash Wednesday. It is the time in preparation for Easter. A time to reflect on asking for forgiveness for sinning by making sacrifices in prepartion God's ultimate sacrifice for mankind and then the renewal and victory that came from it. Pretty heavy, right?
    So the reflection is in full speed ahead mode. Today by fasting, I'm already clueing in quickly to the fact that I snack too much. I wonder if I should make a master list of bad habits I will try to break, or start small and just give up one thing for 40 days and 40 nights.
    It is almost a boomerang effect back to your New Year's resolution that I quickly left on the wayside. Why are we as humans so weak sometimes? Is it just our self-indulgence and instant gratification that is so intoxicating it wills us helpless to its wiles? Perhaps just simple laziness some would say.
    I will take the link to this site as a spiritual calling to reclaim the passion for writing that I always bump back on the priority totem pole. I have pulled out ...and dusted a book by Viki King called: "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days" and track if in fact by Lent's end I have achieved the impossible. I will try to outwit myself and grab the movie that has been playing over and over in my head and create a new home for it on paper. Perhaps then I can show myself a small example of Lenten's promise. I can finally show forgiveness for having a lack of faith in myself and use time to sacrifice my fears and become a better person for it. I think God would want it that way. Just beginning this blog is a good sign.
    As far as the fasting goes..I'm feeling hunger pangs and it is getting late. Maybe skipping snacking in the evening will make me retreat earlier each night. Hey, this might work out yet. I read that the more sleep you get the less you age and the more you could lose weight. But that would also mean giving up my tv watching too. Stay tuned for important announcements after our commercial break...