Nonprofit Film Festival Executive Director & Distributor
About Me
Coming from the Creative field with a background in several disciplines and segueing from corporate to education then back to Arts, Culture & Entertainment, we translated our Live Performance Nights combined with our Movie Nights info Hosting Film Festivals; many with Live Performances and Panels.
The last few years have been exciting, exhausting and rewarding as Filmmakers submit to any of our Themed Red Carpet Film Festivals, where many from around the country also attend.
We've added a Summer Movie Night schedule to re-Screen some of the Movies. Often we're contacted to Host Movie Nights for local Organizations & Community Leaders. All of this offers Filmmakers more opportunities to be 'Screened' and garner a larger following.
With so many actors around, last year we've added Murder Mystery Dinners to our offerings.
15 Film Festivals later, Distribution Platforms began contacting us and then we reached out to a few of the bigger Platforms and Distribution Companies and now we proud to announce that we offer both Non-Exclusive as well as Exclusive Deals.
Several Non-Exclusive Platforms offer Revenue share also and the year that the Short or Feature was made does not matter at all.
Students can Submit to any of our Film Festivals and/or contract us for Distribution Options where once you sign with us, we send you offers all year long and once you decide which Platforms you like, we submit on your behalf and include Marketing to direct traffic to the Platform.
Then your project also becomes eligible for the Platinum Streaming Awards Festival designed for Shorts, Features, Videos & Episodes only found on Streaming Platforms.
Film Festivals:
-February / April
-As Contracted by external Groups
-Distribution (all year long)
A lot of Categories and All Genres Accepted from Shorts, full length, Videos (Music, Dance, Poetry), Web Series Episodes, Business Commercials, PSAs, Documentaries and Trailers.
Visit Website for More info and links to Submit: Discount Code- 30offmarch
Don't miss today's webinar: Mastering Pre-Production: Essential Steps for Indie Filmmakers – Taught by Multi-Emmy® Award-Winning Filmmaker Shane Stanley
As a #filmmakingstudent, it is important for me to be aware of the mistakes that could be made, so I can avoid them. I stumbled upon this video on youtube that help me with #filmmakingtips .
What mistakes did you do when you started your adventure into #filmmaking ?
Welcome to a group of Themed Film Festivals which also includes Re-Screenings over the Summer for Summer Movie Nights.
In this group we'll also share a few tips, 'How To' Videos and Distribution Offers as well as Discounts to Film Festivals.... moreWelcome to a group of Themed Film Festivals which also includes Re-Screenings over the Summer for Summer Movie Nights.
In this group we'll also share a few tips, 'How To' Videos and Distribution Offers as well as Discounts to Film Festivals.
Join us on Instagram @Queens_Underground_Film_Fest and @NYinternationalartsssfest
@platitnumstreamingawards (Coming Soon)
February / April:
Queens Underground International Film Festival - Begins with a Trailer Networking Event in February and then continues in April as a multi-day Red Carpet Film Festival. Films are Submitted from all over the World in Celebration of the Black and Brown History. Approximately 20 Countries Submit and there is no ethnic requirement. We receive amazing Content from all Genres and Categories.
Shorts, Features, Music, Dance, Poetry, Comedy Videos, Series and Talk Show Episodes
June / July:
The Film Festival Opens again after April and we accept a few more Projects to add to the Summer line-up of casual Movie... less